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UC for Community Schools

Are you a community school?

If so we have good news, thanks to grant funding we are offering you a subsidy on the cost of a training course if you are a community school.


Understanding Christianity has been rolled out in faith schools since its launch and is now used in over 5,000 schools (and counting) across the UK. As a principle tool in the RE classroom, the resource and training allows teachers to teach about Christianity in an effective, considered way to pupils from all religions and Worldviews.

Thanks to generous grant funding obtained in 2020, Understanding Christianity is now being offered to community schools at a discounted price. The remaining costs are absorbed into the project fund. The main aim of this project is to enable teachers to pick the elements of Understanding Christianity which compliment their syllabus and teaching requirements.

View all upcoming primary subsidised courses

View all upcoming secondary subsidised courses

Further questions?

For further support, including details of funders, eligibility to funding or anything else regarding the Understanding Christianity project, please contact linzey@retoday.org.uk